No-Nonsense Tools & Advice for Leaders of
High-Growth Companies
Stretch to a Higher Altitude

In August I spent a few days in Denver and Vail, Colorado, working on a strategy to step up my game as a world-class author and speaker.

I’ve also spent a lot of time, over the years, working with experts and advisors for my coaching and consulting work, and knew I needed to do something different for myself to reach a higher altitude.

So, I found the best strategic thought partner I could find to help me work on my plan, and I got out of town. It was amazing to be on the other side of the table, again, and a reminder of how helpful it is to have someone else facilitate the discussion about what you want to create in your future. And even more valuable to envision your future in a completely different environment from the practical, logical, execution mode when we’re doing business, as usual.

We met in downtown Denver, next door to the inspiring Maven Hotel, a fascinating place full of art, creativity and inspiration, in the stunning city of Denver. I could spend a lot of time there!

One of the insights from our strategy sessions was to share more of what’s going on behind-the-scenes in my world: how and where I find inspiration, insights and ideas that can be of value to others. I’m so lucky that my work with clients takes me around the world, where I can witness and be a part of the challenges and successes of high-performing people, in different cultures and in different sectors. And there’s a part of me that would rather talk about others than myself.

As we worked on the strategy for my writing and speaking for the next three years, I noticed that, I was stretched to the point of discomfort. I admit to laughing to myself as I thought of all the CEOs I’ve made uncomfortable, over the years, when the shoe was on the other foot!

While I am stretched by other coaches and advisors, on a regular basis, being locked in a room for two days was a different, more intense experience. To the point that I had a hard time sleeping and was absolutely drained by the second day. Later, I realized that I was probably suffering from altitude sickness, and tried the hotel’s portable oxygen portable oxygen containers, which I initially had thought were a bit of a tourist trap and felt much better.

New Altitude, New Levels

The whole experience reinforced that, if we want to reach new levels of achievement, we have to stretch as we climb to a higher altitude. While we often need help and different equipment and tools - like oxygen - to help us through the initial struggle, these new ways quickly become normal, once we adapt.

Funny that my book is called Your Oxygen Mask First!

PS - I hope you keep this story in mind as you work on planning your last Quarter of 2019.  And, if you want help from one of our team of qualified coach/strategists at Lawrence & Co to create your quarterly or annual master plan - or to stretch to the next level - call us.

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